This top picture is of the washed fabric that I dyed in the "parfait" fashion. I am happy with how they came out, though next time might use more concentrated dye to get darker colors.

Another paper towel. This one was wet when I hung it to dry, so the dye started to gravitate down--I like the effect.

Stripey paper towel.

Donna B. mentioned the idea of "wicking" a paper towel roll, so I had to try it! I set a roll of paper towels in a plasic bin, and kept adding a little bit of dye in the bottom of the bin, and let it soak in. It only wicked about 1/4 of the way, so I turned it on its other end, and repeated the process with a different color. Again, it only soaked up about 1/4 of the way, so I cheated and poured the third color directly to the middle of the roll. I let it "soak" overnight, and then unrolled the paper towels on a sheet of plastic to dry outside. This is what they looked like as they came off the roll. So now I have a lifetime supply of orange, blue purple, and magenta paper towels! I want to try it again with some different colors.