Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Word for 2015: IMPERFECT

As we approach the New Year, I am thinking about my goals for next year, "resolutions", etc.  I had a revelation in the shower (of course) this morning--many people pick a word as their theme for the new year--I decided that my word for 2015 is IMPERFECT.  Seems kind of strange that as many of us are trying to think of ways to improve ourselves and our lives, that I would pick a word like IMPERFECT, but I have decided to embrace my imperfections this year.

I am human.
I am imperfect.
I always do my best, but often come up short.
I will not let my FEAR of IMPERFECTION hold me back from trying new things.
I make mistakes.
I do not know everything.
I am sometimes (often?) wrong.
I sometimes make poor decisions.

But, I am also often right, smart, creative, wise, insightful, and kind.
I love my family, kids, boyfriend and friends and would do anything for them. 
I can laugh at myself and my mistakes.
I can admit when I am wrong.
I can learn from my mistakes.
I am constantly trying to improve myself, and to be a better mom and role model for my kids.

In the past, I have been afraid to do the wrong thing, afraid to speak up and be wrong and be belittled. I have been afraid to try new things and come up short, afraid to step out into the spotlight. 

But I am tired of the fear.
I am not perfect, and I am tired of trying to be.

I will ask "stupid" questions.
I will try new things.
I will step out into the world.
I will enjoy and embrace and learn from my imperfections.
I will try--sometimes I will fail and sometimes I will succeed, and both experiences are equally important.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 

Dear 2015,
Watch out, here I come!