He's finally here!!! Fletcher Quinn was born April 14, 2010 at 1:46 am. He was 7 lbs 15 oz and 21 inches long--the smallest of my three children believe it or not--but he was almost 2 weeks early--so he'd probably have been a 9 pounder at full term!
Labor and delivery went very well. Funny story--I was actually teaching a quilting class Tuesday night, having contractions the whole time, but I was determined to do the class--yes, I am that stubborn! Came home about 9 pm to find that the contractions were 3-5 minutes apart, so I was at the hospital by 10 pm, and had little Fletcher less than 4 hours later. It went so fast, such a blur.
We are recovering well. Fletcher is a snuggle baby, loves to eat and be held. Not sleeping for very long periods of time yet--he tends to get a tummy ache 30-45 minutes after eating, and fusses for awhile, then I get him settled and its time to eat again! But I know that will pass, so I am just enjoying having him as such a tiny baby for this short time.