Still been puttering around, though less and less with Baby coming soon--just been too darn tired to do much more than work and family. I have been able to get some dyeing done. The 6 pieces here are cotton batik, and a couple of close ups. These pieces are 18 x 22 inches.

I also love to dye silk scarves and yardage. This red and orange one is a small section of a 45 x 108 inch silk piece that is currently on display at the Rio Rancho Esther Bone Library--a project that I am doing with 5 other ladies in my dye group. I am planning on incorporating some of these silk dyed pieces into my art quilting, so I am excited to do that when I have a little time!
The silk fabric dyes so beautifully and feels so soft and smooth, but is a little expensive to play with. I have a bunch of scarves that I've dyed that I will list on Esty as soon as I can get the photography done--that's a whole other challenge--but I will post when I have those ready.