What have I been up to this week? Well, my rhythm is totally off from being sick, and my 2 year old's day care provider had an out of country emergency and so he has been home with me, which means Mommy can't work, so its been crazy, but.....I took advantage of that by sorting through a few large boxes of quilting scraps as you can see here They took over my kitchen table for a few days, but are now nicely corralled into clear boxes sorted by color or theme. So, the idea is that now that they are more accessible, I will use them more.

And somewhat related, I finished 2 UFOs (UnFinished Objects) over the past few weeks by sewing a little bit almost everyday. I have been trying to tackle these UFOs for a few years, after they got out of hand from when I worked at a quilt store, and wanted to do everything! Then, Laura West Kong set out a challenge on her
blog to sew for just 10 minutes a day and see what you can accomplish. The purple one was supposed to be a stash buster--I think it was in one of the recent McCall's quilting magazines, but I am too lazy to look for it now. I wasn't crazy about it, but I added the purple border with orange polka dots, and I am going to quilt it with a swirly design and orange thread, so that should be fun. And yes, it matches my PURPLE living room wall very nicely!

The other quilt was a class sample for one of my patterns, Grandmother's Stars. I made the original with 1930's reproductions, but wanted to do something different for this one, so went through my beige, turquoise and brown scraps. It feels good to get these done!
I have two exciting posts coming, but not time to do it tonight, so you'll just have to be patient!