I can't believe its been a month since I've posted! We have had a crazy busy summer, with the new baby, visitors here, plus a trip to Denver to visit family. But, I have been able to get some fabric dyeing in. I like to dye outside on my picnic table (covered with plastic), while the kids play in the yard. I can keep an eye on them and chat, but still have some Mommy play time too.
I still need to take pictures of the fabrics, but I did snap a shot of my new dyeing system. My friend Jan has been swearing by canning jars instead of ziplock baggies for doing low water immersion dyeing. After some frustration with the bag thing, I invested in 24 pint size jars. It is so much easier to spoon the dye concentrate into an open mouthed jar! I think I like this system, though the jars take up more storage space then my baggies did.
Anyway, my 4 year old son really likes it when we go out back. The other day he was whining at me, and I couldn't understand what he was saying. Then he said very clearly and loudly, "Mommy, I just want you to die!" I thought, oh my gosh, what have I done to make him so mad at me, and then realized he meant "dye". Too funny!
The jar method is a great idea....funny comment about your son too:)
Cynthia Schelzig
This method looks like fun... Kids say the darnedest things don't they! :)
Looks like you will have some yummy colors. I've never tried dyeing in jars let me know what you think about them.
I use plastic yogurt containers and baggies for low water immersion dyeing. I like being able to massage the fabric in the baggie. On the other hand for folded pieces, I prefer a stable container.
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