Here is my Take it Further Challenge for this month. I worked with the color palate which was very dark red, dark olive green, medium brown, medium gray and bone. I ran out of the original brown and bone, so had to add two more fabrics. I like these neutrals with a little color--reminds me of the desert landscape here in New Mexico. As you can see, I didn't quite get it quilted in time. I have decided to add some mother of pearl buttons and probably some hand stitching with perle cotton, so I want to do that before I quilt it, so that I can hide my messy handwork with the quilt back later. It is a fairly large piece--about 32 x 38 inches. I guess I need to work smaller if I want to get the whole thing done in a month! But I have finished all of my TIF challenges, even if it has taken me a little more time.